Artichoke herb organic 100g
The artichoke, or Cynara scolymus, is a plant with budding inflorescences. The inside of the petals and the flower base of the artichoke are edible and considered a special delicacy. In Greek mythology, Zeus fell in love with an attractive...
9,99 €
99,90 €
Elderberries whole 1kg organic
Elder bushes have been part of the familiar vegetation picture in Central Europe for centuries. The flowering time of the elder bush is from May to July. Elder is also called elder, holder or black lilac. The berries taste sour...
35,99 €
35,99 €
Elderflower Tea Organic
Elderberry bushes have been a familiar part of the vegetation in Central Europe for centuries. The elderberry bush blooms from May to July. The scent of the white elderberry blossoms is very intensely sweet. Elderberry is also called holler, holder...
from 9,99 €
71,92 €
Cough Tea Organic 100g
Biotiva cough tea contains mullein leaves and thyme. The dried mullein leaves come from the perennial plant of the same name. This grows in large parts of Europe and can grow up to 2 meters tall. Thyme is mainly known...
7,99 €
79,90 €
Elderberries (Sambucus) have been part of the familiar vegetation picture in Central Europe for centuries. The flowering time of the elder bush is from May to July. The scent of the white-yellowish elderberry flowers is very intensely sweet. Elder is also called elder, holder or black lilac. The dried flowers of the shrub, which can grow up to 15 metres high, are ideal for making a sweet, slightly acidic tea. The Latin name Sambucus comes from a harp-like ancient Greek instrument called Sambuche, which was made from elder wood.