Bath Tea & Potpourri
Jiaogulan, a member of the gourd family, has long been used as a medicinal plant in East Asia. It is also called immortality herb there. Although not related to ginseng, the leaves of jiaogulan contain partly similar active substances as...
from 15,89 €
127,12 €
Cistus Herb Organic
Cistus (Lat. Cistus Incanus) or grey-haired cistus is particularly widespread in the Mediterranean region. They are 30cm to 1 metre tall shrubs with pink flowers. It is also called grey-haired cistus.Due to the Novel Food Regulation, it is not allowed...
from 7,99 €
79,90 €
Annual Mugwort Herb Organic
Annual mugwort (Artemisia annua) belongs to the daisy family. With its small yellow flowers, the plant, which grows to between 1 and 1.50 m high, is quite inconspicuous. In contrast to its appearance, the plant has a strikingly aromatic scent....
from 17,99 €
143,92 €
Neem Pulver Bio
Neem Pulver als pflanzlicher Rohstoff Der immergrüne Neembaum, auch bekannt als Drogeriebaum, trägt den lateinischen Namen Azadirachta indica. Neem, auch als Niem, Nimba oder Margosa bekannt, ist vor allem in Indien, Burma und Pakistan beheimatet. Seit über 2000 Jahren wird der...
from 7,99 €
79,90 €
Our Biotiva bath teas are natural bath additives made from tea, herbs, flowers and leaves.100% natural, vegan and biodegradable. Convince yourself now of our high-quality Biotiva bath teas and enjoy the taste of nature!